STARS for WEB logo STARS Exhibition
Reception: Thursday, Sep. 5, 4-6pm
Duration: Aug. 19- Sep. 13, 2024
所有国际滑联展览均免费向公众开放. 这意味着欢迎家人和朋友.:)
Location: 图尔曼画廊(美术大楼)
STARS is an exhibition that celebrates the artwork of a select group of ISU’s Art and Design Students who were awarded scholarships by Center for Student Research and Creativity. The STARS scholarship is through Department of Art and Design (Summer Term Art Research Scholarship) and provided stipends to each student to produce art during the summer months. 与不同的媒体和流程合作, 这些学生真正体会到了成为独立艺术家的意义. 没有课程作业的指导, 在整个项目中保持精力和专注对他们来说既令人兴奋又具有挑战性. This experience, as in past summers, culminates in this professional exhibition as part of the CSRC’s fall Exposium showcasing undergraduate research and creativity.



FORM & 功能-陶瓷展览 Apr. 22- May. 10, 2024
Artists: Aubrey Arms, 阿比盖尔Canull-Beauchamp,Mallory Gossett, Kadi Hampson, Stella Harrison, Denny Hindle,Grace Hughes, Hannah Jackson, Robin Lane, Nina Mims, Max Murphy, Zoe Newbold, Madison Rumler, Sophia Sanders, Bee Snow, Alysen VanLeer, Courtney Williams, Mahal Wright, Iris Zhao
About: The Exhibition - Form and Function presents an array of ceramic works that foster the exploration of this medium while providing a space to share diverse ideas and unique perspectives. Each work was created by students currently enrolled in ceramic classes held in the Department of Art and Design. 所选的作品范围从更传统的容器到雕塑形式. Form and Function invites the viewer to consider traditional and innovative practices used in ceramics that students draw upon to showcase both their creative and technical skills.

Kevin J. 内勒美术硕士论文展,《bc菠菜导航》

DECIBEL - Kevin J. 内勒艺术硕士展览 | Mar. 4- Apr. 5, 2024
About: Kevin J. 内勒美术硕士论文展,《bc菠菜导航》, 将声音和空间编织在一起,形成一个动态的生态系统. 结合次声和墙壁组合,它们创造了一种流动的、不断变化的体验. 当观众穿过画廊时, 他们会遇到感知和情感上的转变, 反映了我们感官环境的不断变化. 这些元素的相互作用挑战了艺术的界限, inviting a deep, 内省的相互作用与看不见的声音力量.

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琥珀罗伯斯-戈登展览:继承:穿越美国.S. Colonialism | Jan. 22- Feb. 16, 2024
About: Amber Robles-Gordon的继承: Traversing U.S. Colonialism is a conceptual juxtaposition that celebrates abstraction as an art form while leveraging it as a tool to interrogate past and current United States’ hegemonic domestic and foreign policies within its federal district (Washington, D.C.)及其他五个有人居住的领土. 通过强调与美国相关的细微差别.S. governance Robles-Gordon creates a pathway through discursive criticism around issues impacting marginalized communities oppressed by its rule and questions who has access to resources, citizenship, 以及主权.
《bc菠菜导航》第一版: 穿越美国殖民主义,于2021年秋季在卡岑艺术中心的美国大学博物馆举行. 该展览由拉里·奥塞-门萨策划.


Bfa / ba -高级展览 | Nov. 27 - Dec. 16, 2023
About: This exhibition showcases the artwork of the graduating BFA and BA students from the Department of Art and Design. 展出的每件作品都浓缩了知识, skills, 以及这些学生在bc菠菜导航学习的技巧. 这个顶点和庆祝活动共同标志着他们进入下一个选择的道路的“通过仪式”.


VIEW/ MIRROR | Oct 2— 27, 2023
About: 我们很少被赐予片刻的停顿, 回顾和反思我们的过去和现在的关系. 在这次邀请展中,《bc菠菜导航》, 由Tanmaya Bingham和Ian Carey共同策划, a select group of Indiana State University MFA alumni exhibit their current artwork adjacent to their former artwork which is on loan from the ISU 永久艺术品收藏. Both the alumni and the viewer can engage in this reflective and subjective comparison to highlight potential artistic development and simultaneously honor the individuality of each piece.


STARS | 9月7日(周四)下午4-6点
About:‘STARS’ is an exhibition that celebrates the artwork of a select group of ISU’s Art and Design Students who were awarded scholarships by Center for Student Research and Creativity. The ‘STARS’ scholarship is through Department of Art and Design (Summer Term Art Research Scholarship) and provided stipends to each student to produce art during the summer months. 与不同的媒体和流程合作, 这些学生真正体会到了成为独立艺术家的意义. 没有课程作业的指导, 在整个项目中保持精力和专注对他们来说既令人兴奋又具有挑战性. This experience, as in past summers, culminates in this professional exhibition as part of the CSRC’s fall Exposium showcasing undergraduate research and creativity.


赛斯·格林|建筑柴火船 2023年4月3日- 5月5日
About:Seth Green的展览 建筑燃木船 is a selection of ceramic artworks that range from cups to vases and transcend the purpose of everyday objects.
Each ceramic vessel embodies the architectural vocabulary found in Baroque and Romanesque style cathedrals and palaces and the rich symbolism inherent to Islamic mosques. This is accomplished by creating multiple wheel-thrown forms and assembling them on the wheel at the leather hard state to complete the architectural forms. The metal like surfaces of his reduction cooled wood-fired vessels is achieved through the use of high-iron bearing clay slips to create earth hues of umber, ochre, 还有金属青铜的淡紫色, gold, and silver.
Although the inspiration for these objects’ usage stems from their function in religious rituals and ceremonies of the Persian and Ottoman Empires, 它们不是“宗教艺术”,相反,它们是“神圣的艺术”,没有宗派.
它是通过一个简单的行为,即有意识地握住, pouring, 从我们被提升和超越当前现实的容器中饮用.

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Public Blackness I | Jan. 17- Mar. 17, 2023
About:Public Blackness 是一个横跨bc菠菜导航所有三个美术馆的展览. 其目的是提高人们对正在发生的、往往尚未解决的地方和国家种族问题的认识. 该节目旨在为国际州立大学的学生和更广泛的社区提供一个安全的学习平台, engage, 并受到鼓舞,采取积极行动,帮助治愈和改变过时的、无意识的偏见.
Public Blackness demonstrates how the Black body in a racially divided society gradually disappears from our understanding of what it means to be a human. What transpires when the Black body is captured in our gaze—a gaze that has been trained to only view it as a problem everywhere it exists? What happens when the myths from our past—which were frequently used to justify its destruction—become ingrained in our imagination of its existence today? One should leave the exhibition knowing a bit more about what makes the Black body vulnerable to the violence it still endures today.

Subject 2 Change

“数字艺术学生作品展” | Nov. 14- Dec. 9, 2022
About:Subject to Change is an exhibition consisting of works by a select group of Digital Art Students to express their interpretations of the ephemeral and ever-changing world of technology, 尤其是当它应用于视觉艺术时. Each of these unique multimedia digital artworks asks the viewer to engage with images and ideas that are relevant as they pass by today but tomorrow might be obsolete or just gone.

World of Frontier

World of Frontier | Oct. 3- 28, 2022
About: Micheal G. 摩尔的数字渲染漫画书, 边疆世界(第1期), transports us into a 32-page alternate universe of a sequential adventure with color-blocked illustrations and speech bubbles. 虽然这项工作开始于摩尔的个人探索, 普遍的叙事和相关的角色激发了我们的想象力, 要求我们对这个未知的世界做出自己的解读. This exhibition immerses us in its pages while simultaneously creating a didactic platform for Moore to share his creative process from concept to completion. 摩尔来自特雷霍特, Indiana, 并将于12月毕业,获得美术硕士学位, Graphic Design.


STARS | Sept. 1-23, 2022
About: 你被邀请参加STARS展览, which celebrates the artwork of a select group of five ISU’s Art and Design Students who were awarded scholarships by Center for Student Research and Creativity.  The STARS scholarship is through Department of Art and Design (Summer Term Art Research Scholarship) and provided stipends to each student to produce art during the summer months. 与不同的媒体和流程合作, 这些学生真正体会到了成为独立艺术家的意义. 没有课程作业的指导, 在整个项目中保持精力和专注对他们来说既令人兴奋又具有挑战性. This experience, as in past summers, culminates in this professional exhibition as part of the CSRC’s fall Exposium showcasing undergraduate research and creativity. 




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