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Student Research and Employment Opportunities

Get involved in Earth & Environmental Systems faculty research projects.  本科生和研究生有很多机会在地球科学导师的指导下进行研究, Anthropology, Geography, and GIS/Remote Sensing.  下面列出了一些您可以参与的项目以及联系信息.  Build your resume by getting involved today!

Archaeology & Geoarcheology

考古实验室提供实验室助理职位 undergraduate anthropology majors 与印第安纳州南部一千多个地点的考古收藏品和样本一起工作.  Contact Dr. Alex Badillo 获取有关当前项目和职位的更多信息.

Graduate student research opportunities in Geoarcheology are available in the Earth & Quaternary Sciences MS program.  研究重点是俄亥俄河下游河谷地区的景观演变和土壤地貌模型.  For more information contact Dr. Alex Badillo.


Research opportunities are available for undergraduate and graduate 对研究海洋和陆地环境的生物地球化学和沉积物地球化学感兴趣的学生,时间尺度从数亿年到现代环境问题.  目前的学生项目包括城市土壤中重金属的环境地球化学, lacustrine sediments, 以及南大洋的河流沉积物和古海洋学研究, Bering Sea, and the phosphorus geochemistry of ocean anoxic events.  从事研究项目的学生可以获得实际的收集经验, processing, 用最先进的设备和仪器分析他们的样本.  For more information contact Dr. Jennifer Latimer.

Dendrochronlogy & Paleoecology

Research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate 学生可以学习树木年代学,包括使用树木年轮来重建环境变量,如火灾, insect outbreaks, and climate. 学生们在美国各地从事各种各样的研究项目.  目前,在印第安纳州的大橡树国家野生动物保护区有一项研究基金,旨在研究火灾对东部落叶森林树木生长的影响.  这是第一次对美国东部这么多硬木树种进行完整的火灾历史研究.  另一个长期和正在进行的项目是在怀俄明州的布里杰羚羊陷阱,通过检查陷阱中木材的切割日期来确定陷阱的建造时间.  美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)正在寻求资金,以检查美国西部整个黄松树种的潘多拉蛾爆发情况.  本研究将成为在整个生物范围内重建昆虫爆发的模型,并使用爆发动态的树年代学记录来定义这些昆虫的有效空间尺度.  通过所有这些工作,本科生和研究生都有机会在美国各地定义他们的研究并开发自己的项目. For more information contact Dr. James Speer.

Environmental Science

为环境科学的本科生和研究生提供广泛的研究和体验式学习机会.  ISU的几位教师积极参与各种以环境为导向的研究项目.  这些项目大多涉及实地和实验室导向的研究活动.  These projects include: investigation of microbial communities and geochemistry of acid mine drainage environments; ecological and biogeochemical responses to pollutants; phosphorus and carbon geochemistry of modern and ancient, marine and fresh water, environments; nutrient input history of  the ocean through time; ecological and biogeochemical responses of marine organisms to environmental change; and reconstruction of fire history, insect outbreaks, and climate change through time. 有关个别教师研究项目的更多信息,请访问教师网页.

Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography

Research and experiential learning opportunities are available for undergraduates and graduate students in paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography.  一些地球科学学院使用各种各样的技术研究古代海洋和/或气候变化.  Projects include: geochemical analysis to determine changes in nutrient cycling in the Atlantic and South Pacific Oceans and the Bering Sea; development of microfossil proxies to assess methane flux history; and use of tree-rings to reconstruct climate change through time.  这些项目中的每一个都积极地让学生参与实地和/或实验室研究活动.

Student Internships/Research Opportunities

Opportunity Due Date UG/GRAD/Both Information


Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Varies UG 美国国家科学基金会资助在美国不同大学和机构的地球科学暑期实习.S.  The internship usually includes room, board, and a monetary stipend.
GeoCorps America Early February Both 美国地质服务队是美国地质学会与政府机构合作的一个项目.  It offers paid short-term geoscience positions.  Project topics include geology, hydrology, paleontology, mapping and GIS, minerals, soils, glaciology, geo-hazards, karst, education, and interpretation.

NPS Geoscientists-in-the-Parks (GIP) Program

December-January Both 这个项目是国家公园管理局和美国地质学会的合作项目.  It offers short-term, paid internships.  Project topics include research, synthesis of scientific literature, geologic mapping, GIS analysis, site evaluations, resource inventorying and monitoring, impact mitigation, developing brochures and media presentations, and educating park visitors. Positions can last from 3 months to one-year.
NASA Varies Both NASA sponsors internships at various NASA facilities and universities. Visit their site for more details.
Department of Interior Pathway Program Varies Both

国土资源部通过包括土地管理局在内的各个机构提供了许多实习机会, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, the National Park Service, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey.  Click on the link for more details.


IN Governor's Public Service Internship Program

  Both 该项目为暑期实习生提供了与州政府机构官员一起工作的机会. 实习生将至少花50%的时间在一个预定的项目上,以提高大学水平的技能和能力. Recipients are paid a rate of $11.30 per hour.  Must have completed one year of college to apply.

Department of Earth and Environmental Systems