



教师 have the right to expect a high level of administrative performance, and an important reason for evaluating the performance of chairpersons [and Center Directors who supervise faculty] is to help ensure that this expectation is being met at the department level.

所表达的评价目的,根据 手册, 是研究“董事长留任”吗,但合乎逻辑的假设是,其目的必须不止于此. 即使是有效和认真的管理者也可以改进, and another important purpose of the evaluation must surely be to facilitate that improvement.

的 手册 also outlines in the broadest terms the frequency with which and means by which such an evaluation is to be carried out. 根据第350条.1.1, “Chairpersons are appointed for 3-year terms and may be reappointed upon favorable evaluation”. 此外,根据第350节.4.1, “An evaluation of the performance of the Department Chairperson will be conducted triennially by the 迪安, in accord with rules and procedures prescribed and established by the 迪安, 根据与主席和部门教员的协商, in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed and established by the college/library. 的 迪安 will weigh and balance the several principles cited above [in section 350.[2]在其关于保留主席的决定中. 的 dean has the authority to call for an evaluation of the performance of the chairperson at any time the 迪安 determines it is necessary."

For an evaluation not triggered by a contingent of department members (faculty, 工作人员, or students; see 350.4.3.1), the 手册 states that “when there is disagreement between the Department faculty and the 迪安 on the retention of a chairperson, 这件事的决策权属于总统, 根据部门教师的报告和建议, 迪安, 和主管学术事务的副校长”(第350条).4.2).

What follows is an outline of the procedures to be used for evaluating chairpersons within the 文理学院.


  1. At the beginning of the academic year in which the Chairperson is to be reviewed, the 迪安 will communicate to the Chairperson and faculty that a review is to take place and shall suggest dates when each part of the process should be completed. Note that chairperson reviews for different departments may be staggered to occur in different parts of the year.
  2. 在与院长协商后, the Department Personnel Committee will appoint and convene a Chairperson Review Committee. 尽可能地, the composition of the Review Committee should be balanced for scope of curricular offerings, 学术排名, 性别, 以及种族/民族出身. 教练, lecturers and 工作人员 should be given the opportunity to be represented on the Review Committee but should not be compelled to serve, 除非该服务是约定免除其他职责的一部分.
  3. 的 Review Committee may suggest adjustments to the dates for each part of the review process to be completed.
  4. 院长应与系内教员沟通, 通知他们审查委员会的成员, 评估程序, 以及过程中每个部分应该完成的日期.
  5. 如果他/她愿意的话, the Chairperson may submit to the Review Committee a curriculum vita and brief executive summary of the current state of the Department, (三)前一届主席任期的政绩, 以及对下学期的展望.
  6. 应向所有正规教员分发一份调查问卷, 临时教师, 工作人员, 以及任何向主席汇报的人. 院长核心问卷应构成问卷的基础. 的 Review Committee shall have the right to add any additional questions of its choosing.
  7. 的 Review Committee shall receive the completed questionnaires and prepare a written report which includes the tabulated results, 对主席的优点和缺点的分析, 还有什么改进的建议吗. 委员会的报告应与所有正规教员共享, 临时教师, 及本署职员. Once the Review Committee’s report is discussed and approved by department faculty, it shall be submitted to the 迪安 together with the department faculty’s recommendation on the Chairperson’s reappointment or non-reappointment. 促进保密, raw data from individual questionnaire responses should not be included in the report but shall remain at the 迪安’s office.
  8. 的 迪安 will then share the review report and departmental recommendation with the department Chairperson.  的 Chairperson is given five working days to submit a response, if he/she wishes to do so. 回复将提交给院长,并与所有正规教员共享, 临时教师, 工作人员, 以及任何向主席汇报的人.
  9.  的 迪安 shall meet with the Review Committee to discuss the report and any response from the Chairperson. 的 迪安 may incorporate elements of the Review Committee report as well as any response from the Chairperson to write his/her own assessment of the Chairperson. 如有需要,院长也可征求系外人士的意见. 院长应与主席会面讨论他/她的表现.
  10. 的 迪安 shall report both his/her recommendation on reappointment/non-reappointment and that of the faculty to the faculty and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.  的 迪安’s recommendation shall be shared with the department’s regular faculty, 临时教师, 工作人员, 以及任何向主席汇报的人.

This set of procedures is designed to maximize involvement of faculty and 工作人员 in the review process by guaranteeing the opportunity to respond individually through the questionnaire and collectively through the Chairperson Review Committee. 的 purpose of this evaluation is to provide feedback from a variety of perspectives and does not preclude any other departmental evaluation of the Chairperson's performance.


This set of questions shall form the basis of a questionnaire used in the evaluation of chairpersons within the 文理学院. 的 department Chairperson Review Committee may add additional questions to those here, 但不得删除本核心问卷中的问题.

Each of the questions 1-10 shall be answered on a scale from 1 Strongly Disagree to 5 Strongly Agree, 有一个不知情意见的选项. 每个问题后应留空格供评论. Respondents are encouraged to utilize the No Informed Opinion selection for questions for which the respondent has no direct knowledge.

1. 主席与其他学术单位合作良好.

2. 主席与非学术单位合作良好.

3. 主席有效地管理部门办公室.

4. 董事长有效管理部门资源.

5. 主席有效地促进部门项目的评估.

6. 主席定期与教职员工协商.

7. 主席能有效地倡导部门的需要.

8. 主席与教职员工有效沟通.

9. 主席有效地支持教师的发展工作.

10. 主席有效、公正地处理人事事务.

你是否支持让主席继续担任主席? 是/否


