


生物学B.S. trains students in the fundamental concepts and basic principles of the biological sciences.  Areas of emphasis--including cellular and molecular biology, 微生物学, 生物技术, 有机体的, ecology and conservation biology, 植物生物学, and physiology-- allow students to specialize to meet diverse career goals.

生物学 majors receive practical training in field and laboratory biology, which prepares them for academic, 工业, 或者政府工作. 的 major also prepares students for professional schools (medical, 牙科, 或兽医),  graduate school in any area of the biological sciences, training in an allied medical science, and secondary science education.


101 - 3小时.; 101L--1 hr.; 102--3 hrs.; 102L--1 hr.; 330--3 hrs.; 330L--1 hr.; 350--3 hrs.; 350L--1 hr.; 374--3 hrs.; 374L--1 hr.; 380--3 hrs.; 380L--1 hr.

To complete the 40 hours required for the major, a minimum of 16 hours beyond the core curriculum must be selected from the following: 371/371L, 375/375L 403, 405, 406/ 406L, 408/408L, 412, 418, 424/424L, 425/425L, 426/426L, 427/427L, 428/428L, 431, 434, 437/437L, 445, 447, 450, 451, 454, 458/458L, 461/461L, 475, 476, 480, 482/482L, 485, 490, 491, and 492; Capstone 497, 498, 499, 化学431/431L, 432.

BIO 415 is an acceptable elective only for departmental majors pursuing a secondary school teaching curriculum. Four credit hours of BIO 492 may be used to fill the elective requirement.

A portion of the 16 hours of elective credit required of 生物学 majors beyond the core curriculum may be composed of courses from cognate areas, subject to the approval of the student's advisor and in agreement with the Department Chairperson. This excludes cognate courses that are prerequisite for courses in the 生物系.

Cell and Molecular 生物学 Emphasis:
Cell 生物学 or Cellular Development and 细胞和组织培养, 和免疫学, plus additional electives from the following: BIO 250, 408/408L, 417, 418, 482/482L; 化学431/431L, 432.
Specific courses selected to fulfill the interests and employment opportunities of the student. A possible program might include Bacteriology, 免疫学, 病毒学, and DNA重组. Additional 微生物学 electives include: 生物学 250, 371/371L, 403, 404, 408/408L, , 417, 418, 475, 476, 482, 和482 l. A chemistry minor including 7 hours of biochemistry (化学431/431L, 432) is strongly recommended.
Molecular 生物学 and Biotechnology Emphasis:
DNA重组, 细胞和组织培养, 免疫学, and additional electives from the following: 生物学 250, 371/371L, 404, 405, 406/406L, 407, 408/408L, 417, 418, 437/437L, 476, 482/482L; 化学431/431L, 432.
Organismal and 保护 生物学 Emphasis:
先进的生态, 进化, 植物分类学, 或脊椎动物动物学, plus electives (8 hours) selected from 250, 421, 425/425L, 426/426L, 427/427L, 428/428L, 447, 451, 454, 458/458L, 和491年.
A possible program could include Vertebrate 生理学 or Plant 生理学; Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy or 植物解剖学; and additional electives from the following list: 412, 431, 433, 434, 461/461L, 491--Special Topics (recent topics include: Cardiovascular 生理学, 生殖生理, 行为内分泌学, 环境生理学).
Specific courses are selected to fulfill the interests and employment opportunities of the students. A possible program selected from the following list might include 植物分类学, Plant 生理学 with laboratory, 植物解剖学, 病毒学, and 细胞和组织培养 with laboratory (生物学 403, 405, 406/406L, 417, 418, 437/437L, 445, 447). A chemistry minor including 7 hours of biochemistry (化学431/431L, 432) is strongly recommended for some students.


学生 enrolled as teaching majors are urged to take a course in developmental biology and a course in conservation as part of the 16 hours of electives beyond the core curriculum.

Prerequisites for the 生物学 major include the following:
化学105- 3小时.; 105L--1 hr.; 106--3 hrs.; 106L--1 hr.; 351--3 hrs.; 351L--1 hr.; 352--3 hrs.; 352L--1 hr.; Mathematics--3?4小时. (a course in statistics or calculus, 比如生物学485, or Mathematics 131 or 241); Physics 105--3 hrs.; 105L--1 hr.; 106--3 hrs.; 106L--1 hr. (Total: 27 or more semester hours; thus, no fewer than 67 semester hours in sciences and mathematics are needed to complete a biology major.)

A chemistry or general science minor is recommended to accompany a biology major. 学生 planning to enter medical school should select 生物学 342--4小时. 461- 3小时. It is recommended that these students consider for inclusion in their course work the following: a chemistry minor, 一门外语, 人文选修课, 心理学101- 3小时. Because some physical science courses are prerequisites for the required courses in the 生物系, a 生物学 major can complete a chemistry minor with a minimum of 7 additional hours.
