

Authority: Approved by the 校董会
Last updated on: February 17, 2023

520.1 Official Holidays

Indiana State University identifies the following federally-recognized holidays and grants time off with pay to all regular benefits-eligible employees who are not required to work:

  • a. 元旦
  • b. Martin Luther King Day
  • c. 阵亡将士纪念日
  • d. 六月节
  • e. 七月四日
  • f. 劳动节
  • g.Thanksgiving Day plus day following
  • h.圣诞节

520.1.1 Special Holidays.  Only the 校董会 or the 总统 of the University may grant other special holidays.

520.1.2 政府 of July 4. When the 七月四日 falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be a holiday. When the 七月四日 falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be a holiday.

520.1.3 政府 of 圣诞节 and 元旦. If 圣诞节 or 元旦 falls on a weekend, then the holiday date that the University will recognize will be the federally-recognized date.

520.1.4 政府 when Holiday Falls on Weekend. When a Holiday falls on a Saturday, it will be observed on the preceding Friday, when a Holiday falls on a Sunday, it will be observed on the following Monday.

520.2 Co-政府 of Winter Recess

Winter recess guidelines and pay procedures take precedence over holiday guidelines and policies.

Related Information

Policy Administrator:
Office of Finance and 政府
Employee Benefits
Rankin Hall Room 300
(812) 237-4152
Procedures and Standards:
Policy 520 was included in the 2001 University Handbook revision and was substantially amended by the ISU 校董会 on April 27, 2007. On February 17, 2023, Policy 520 was modified to include 六月节.