到35岁时,拥有学士学位或更高学位的工人几乎是普通工人的两倍 ...

Thursday, 5月19日, 2022 - 22:29

华盛顿, DC, 5月19日, 2022年(环球新闻专线)——随着高等教育在劳动力市场上变得越来越有价值, 对于年轻人来说,通往一份好工作的道路变得越来越长,越来越具有挑战性. 婴儿潮一代的大多数人在25岁左右就找到了好工作, 但大多数年龄较大的千禧一代直到30岁出头才达到这个门槛, 根据乔治城大学教育与劳动力中心(CEW)的两份新报告 , both funded by a philanthropy investment from JPMorgan Chase. 一份报告, How Limits to Educational Affordability, Work-Based Learning, and Career Counseling Impede Progress toward Good 工作, 探讨从青年到成年经济独立的道路是如何在几代人之间发生变化的. The second report, How Racial and Gender Bias Impede Progress toward Good 工作, examines persistent opportunity gaps among demographic groups.

只有拥有学士学位或更高学历的年轻人比上一代更有可能找到一份好工作——年薪至少35美元,000 per year and $57,000 at the median for young workers (ages 25 to 35) nationwide. Among older millennials in the labor force, 80% of those with a bachelor’s degree or higher had a good job at age 35, compared with 56% of those with some college or an associate’s degree, 42% of those with only a high school diploma, and 26% of those with less than a high school diploma.

“随着高等教育成为找到一份好工作的关键,大学学费急剧上升,” lead report author and CEW Director Anthony P. 走向灭亡. “We need to improve access to college, work-based learning programs, and career counseling for young people.”


To secure a good job, 与前几代人相比,年轻人需要获得更多的教育和高质量的工作经验. 然而, 自1980年以来, 四年制大学每年的学费大约增加了两倍, reaching nearly $30,000 in recent years. 和, 虽然以工作为基础的学习有可能改善年轻人向劳动力的过渡, few young adults (31%) have completed a work-based learning program. 最后, 如果没有充分的职业和指导咨询,学生就无法对自己的教育和职业道路做出充分的决定, but the student-to-counselor ratio remains too high. 每名辅导员辅导的学生数量比推荐水平高出近70%.

寻找好工作的缓慢过程会对年轻人的经济福祉产生长期影响, including delayed marriage, 分娩, independent living, and homeownership. As a result of the longer transition and higher educational debt, young adults accumulate less wealth than the previous generation; households led by 35-year-olds have less than two-thirds of the net worth that similar households held 20 years earlier. 此外, 在过去几十年里,有教育债务的年轻家庭比例和这些家庭的债务中位数大幅上升. 在主要种族/民族和性别群体中,黑人/非裔美国女性最有可能申请学生贷款,并持有最多的学生贷款债务, which contributes to tremendous racial wealth gaps. 不超过高中文凭的年轻白人男性的净资产中位数超过2美元.5 times that of young Black women with a bachelor’s degree or higher.

“There are consequences to the delayed transition to good jobs,” said Artem Gulish, report author and CEW senior policy strategist and research faculty. “For many young adults, not having a good job means not being able to buy a house, not being able to pay back their student loans, 在面对生活中不可避免的不幸时,没有足够的经济保障来追求自己的理想.”

在受教育程度上持续存在的种族/民族平等差距,为获得一份好工作的可能性方面的平等差距奠定了基础. 年轻的白人工人比年轻的黑人/非裔美国人或年轻的西班牙裔/拉丁裔工人更有可能拥有一份好工作, which was also the case for the earlier generation. 事实上, 黑人/非裔美国人要到35岁左右才能和白人工人在25岁左右获得一份好工作的机会大致相同. 年轻的西班牙裔/拉丁裔工人甚至在35岁左右的时候也没有年轻的白人工人在25岁左右的时候有同样的机会.

尽管妇女受教育程度发生了广泛的代际变化,但性别差距仍然存在. 尽管年轻女性比上一代女性更有可能找到好工作, 与年轻男性相比,她们拥有好工作的可能性仍然要小得多. 尽管年轻女性的高等教育水平高于年轻男性,但这些差距并没有缩小. At every education level, 在同一种族/民族群体中,年轻女性比年轻男性更不可能拥有一份好工作. When race and gender disparities are combined, the gaps in the likelihood of having a good job are even more striking. 年轻的西班牙裔/拉丁裔和夏威夷原住民/太平洋岛民女性拥有好工作的可能性是年轻的白人和亚洲/亚裔美国男性的一半.


“与过去相比,受教育程度的差异在经济不平等中发挥了更大的作用, 但是,即使在相同教育水平的年轻员工中,种族和性别之间的平等差距仍然存在,” said Kathryn Peltier Campbell, 报告作者,CEW编辑政策副主任,资深编辑/作家.

“Young people are our next generation of leaders, 但是太多了, especially from underrepresented communities, 没有获得有意义的就业机会所需的职业经验,” said Monique Baptiste, 乔布斯的头 & Skills Global Philanthropy for JPMorgan Chase. “As the findings from these reports demonstrate, 以工作为基础的学习和教育是青年人未来成功的关键因素. 这项研究将有助于制定解决这些差异的新战略,并确定将年轻人与他们所需的资源和经验重新联系起来的方法,以更好地为未来的机会做好准备.” 

 Factors including academic major, 占领, 全职工作也会影响工人找到好工作的可能性,并导致劳动力中的公平差距. Among young workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher, those who majored in science, 技术, 工程, and mathematics (STEM) are most likely (78%) to have good jobs, while young workers who majored in arts, 文科, and humanities are least likely (59%) to have good jobs. At the same time, across education levels, 从事STEM职业的年轻人最有可能(83%)找到一份好工作, 而从事医疗保健支持、食品和个人服务行业的年轻员工拥有好工作的可能性最低(22%). 全职工作增加了找到好工作的机会:60%的年轻全职工作者有一份好工作, compared with 10% of part-time workers.

To view the executive summary and two full reports, including seven recommendations for comprehensive reform, 访问 经济网.乔治敦大学.edu/pathway

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