The Office of Student Support and Accountability (SSA) is dedicated to fostering a successful and thriving learning environment for all students at Indiana State University. We offer a comprehensive support system to encourage our students to achieve their academic and personal goals.

The office's primary focus is:

  • Student Support: Our experienced staff provides resources, guidance, and coaching to help you navigate any academic or personal challenges you might encounter.  We understand that life happens and offer the support you may need.
  • Conflict Resolution: We offer a safe and private space for students to resolve disputes constructively, promoting a respectful and inclusive community.  We want students to be successful during their time at Indiana State and prepared for a global society when they graduate.
  • Conduct Accountability: We uphold the Code of Student Conduct by ensuring fair and transparent processes. This fosters a culture of personal responsibility and integrity, promoting a safe and positive learning environment.

We believe in empowering student growth and success. We are here to partner with our students, campus partners, community, and all key stakeholders to ensure a fulfilling and enriching experience at Indiana State University.

First Generation Student Tip: As you visit websites, remember to check out different pages and “favorite” pages you might need to revisit quickly. When you email (any faculty/staff/hall member/etc.) remember to start with a greeting, use complete sentences, and use some form of conclusion.

Sycamore Support

The Office of Student Support and Accountability oversees the Sycamore Support program at Indiana State University where we care for the overall well-being of our students.  We want to help students get the assistance, referrals, and answers they need to ensure success.  

Sycamore Support is a collaborative, campus-wide program that serves students when life happens.  All students, whether they live on or off campus (near and far), are welcome!

Family members, fellow students, faculty, staff, community members, and employers can make a referral to Sycamore Support.  Students may even refer themselves.

Please fill out the form here: Sycamore Support

Student Concerns

  • General
  • Financial Aid
  • University Processes
  • Where to…
    • Get Food
    • Go to Church/Synagogue/Mosque
    • Ride the Bus Route
  • Hike
  • Meet Friends
  • Join a Student Group/Organization

  • Utilize Student Counseling Center/Timley Care
  • Continued Counseling
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Thoughts of Suicide, Attempts, Self-Harm
  • Homesickness
  • Feeling Lost (sometimes just feel sad)
  • Hopelessness

  • Tutoring Services
  • Accessibility and Advocacy Resources (AARO)
  • Time Management (videogames vs study time)
  • Study Tips
  • Oops, Interim Grades… (back on track)
  • Academic Support
  • Library Services
  • Buy Books/Course Codes

  • Personal Issues Occur
  • Death in Family/Friend
  • Illness/Medical Concern
  • Hospitalization
  • Family Crisis/Issue
  • Finances Change
  • New and Emerging Identity
  • New “Love” and Navigating Life
  • Balancing the Happy and the Challenging

  • Difficult Conversations are Hard (we can help)
  • Race/Religion/Politics/Sexual Orientation/Identity Navigation
    • Respect and Growth (Not Change)
  • Withdrawing from Relationships
  • Relationship Break-ups and Changes back Home
  • Roommate Conflicts
  • Faculty/Staff Conversations (we get they can be hard)
  • Just Sit Down and Talk

  • Check in on Student (wellness check)
  • Behavioral Concerns
  • Odd or Out of the Ordinary Behavior
    • 18-24 y.o. are at highest risk for mental health changes
  • Arrest or Hospitalization Due to Alcohol/Illegal Substance
  • Classroom Conflicts
  • Creepy, Uncomfortable, or Policy Violation
  • Educational Outcomes and Learning Opportunity
  • Safe Environment and Assessment
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